Protection of AP Depositors Registration for Agri Gold Deposits money Refund@
How to add Agri Gold Depositor Bond Details for Money Refund: Agri gold is the finance chit fund company. The company had made a fraud of about 7000 crores in the south Indian state. And this scam made so many people worried. The company allegedly took the money from depositors and invested in heavily in real estate’s before branching it to other areas, all the while they promising their customers that the returns would only increase. The high court took a notice after the PIL, and ordered the CID to give it updates of the case.
How to Upload Agri Gold Bonds & Aaadhar & pan number online (Money Depositor Details) at
For the sake of the depositors and to collect all the details of the customers, government of AP had started a website for the protection of agrigold depositors. In this we have to register ourselves who have got cheated by the agri gold.
In this we provide you the information about how to register as the victim in the protectiontoapdepositors website. The below are the steps to follow.

Steps to follow to add Agrigold Depositor’s Details in the Website:
The below are the steps to follow to add the details of the depositors in the website.
- First of all open the browser and type and press enter.
- The official web page of the agrigold protection will open, in that select the option as ‘I am a victim”.
- Then the application form will be displayed, and then you have to enter all the details.
- First you have to enter your name as in the agri gold policy bond and bank account book.
- Then fill your full address & phone number and email ID.
- Next fill your total deposited money in the agri gold in the column specified and enter the amount refunded in another column, if not received put 0 in that column.
- After that upload your government ID card for the address for communication.
- Next enter upload the agrigold policy bond or pay slips which you have for the proof that you are the depositor of Agrigold.
- Finally check the details that you have entered is correct or not and then save the details. Then
- your registration in the website is successful.
- This is the procedure to follow to register your details in the
Protection of AP Depositors For Agri Gold Depositers (Agri Gold Money Refund) @
Latest News about agrigold:
Verification of AgriGold depositors start from tomorrow onwards (10.10.2017). So who are paid daily collection for agrigold & fixed deposited money in agrigold scheme. Those all Agri gold depositors directed to submit proofs @ online Agrigold Money Refund Registration website (link provided Above).
Agrigold Refund Registration Step by Step Guide Video (AGRIGOLD DEPOSITORS REFUND PROCESS DETAILS):
Note:- For more information about How to Upload Agri Gold Refund Money Deposits visit this official website:
Went to the website and we have not find any where ‘I am Victim” in the website. please advise me for get my amount.